Trishul Bio PSB
All Cereals - Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Bajra, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Fooders, Fibers, Cash Crops, Vegetables, Spices, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Plantation Crops - Areca nut, Cashew, Cocoa, Coconut, Coffee, Oil Palm, Palmyra Palm, Rubber, Tea etc. Bio PSB improves the general health of soil, increases the phosphorous uptake by plants, decrease the chemical fertilizer dosages, increases nutrient availability, better growth and higher yield of crops. It also solubilises DAP which is available in soil. It is suitable for all crops. Bio PSB Formulation made as per FCO 1985 Schedule III Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria. Storage Store in Cool place away from direct heat and sunlight.